Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Food Shoot

To edit this photo, I cropped it tighter to the bagel and tilted it so that it looked straighter. I added a slightly warmer tone to it in Lightroom as well.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Puppet Warp

In Photoshop, I used puppet warp to create more movement in my friend's hair. I also moved her left and right arms away from her body more.

Exploding Fruit

I used a texture layer on a photo I had taken of a lemon in my backyard to create this image. I used the magic wand tool in Photoshop to select specific parts of the texture layer and make their own layers. I then adjusted the drop shadow on the pieces of fruit to create more dimension. I also used the blur tool to create the appearance that the fruit was exploding.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Repeating Flash Practice

To make this photo, I had my friends Hailey Aliamus and Sophie Damianakes roll Hailey's chapstick ball back and forth while I took a picture of it. We used a previously set up piece of black paper as our backdrop. We did not have to adjust our exposure or aperture at all during the shoot. This image is successful because it shows clearly three different shots of the chapstick. It captures the motion of it rolling quite well.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Painting With Light

The message I tried to convey through this picture is one of whimsy. I tried to create a very dream-like portrait with my friend looking out of frame of the photo. I tried to convey the image of dreaming and thinking of the future through this photo. To make this image happen, I made my friend sit in front of my garage door and hold as still as possible. Then, my friend's younger sister drew out the word "dream" above her head using finger lights. While this was happening, another friend of mine drew up and down with a regular flashlight on my friend's body, thus illuminating only her. To edit this picture, I used the brush tool in Lightroom to lower the exposure in the background and to raise it on my friend's body. I also reduced the noise and increased the sharpness of the image.
The message I tried to convey with this photo was that we often have very expressive and extensive thoughts despite our calm quiet exteriors. I wanted to show the excitement and energy of people's minds in contrast to a calm exterior. To make this image happen, I had my friend sit in front of my garage and told her to sit as still as possible and cover her face with her hands. Then, I told my friend's younger sister to create a "V" shape with a light wand and then do her best to color it in. I told my other friend to draw up and down on her body using a regular flashlight. To edit this picture, I used the brush tool in Lightroom to increase the exposure on just my friend. I also used it to even out the exposure on the background of the photo. I also increased the sharpness of the image.